When Should Well Water Be Tested?
If your family’s drinking water comes from a private well, it’s important to have your water tested regularly. Listed below are 12 times we recommend you have your drinking water tested: Immediately if you have no recent test results or any record of previous tests. Annually for bacteria and for nitrates if you live in an agricultural area or have an on-site septic system. The best time to perform these annual tests is in...
4 Reasons Why You Need Filtered Water in the Kitchen
If you don’t have filtered water in your kitchen, here are the top four reasons filtered water makes a big difference: No more spotty, filmy dishes! If your glasses and dishes are spotty, it’s not your dishwasher that’s at fault, it’s your hard water. No more foul tasting/smelling water! Chlorine and other impurities can definitely be tasted in your drinking water and they are also absorbed into your food. No...
3 Factors That Determine Your Home’s Water Softener
If you suspect you have hard water and have been seriously considering having a home water softener system installed, you may be wondering how we determine your water softening solution. Sci-Chem Water Treatment uses the following factors when making our recommendation by: professionally testing your water’s iron and hardness level calculating your family’s water usage based on the number of household members...
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