4 Reasons Why You Need Filtered Water in the Kitchen

Portrait of happy mother and her daughter cooking in the kitchen

If you don’t have filtered water in your kitchen, here are the top four reasons filtered water makes a big difference:

  1. No more spotty, filmy dishes! If your glasses and dishes are spotty, it’s not your dishwasher that’s at fault, it’s your hard water.
  2. No more foul tasting/smelling water!  Chlorine and other impurities can definitely be tasted in your drinking water and they are also absorbed into your food.
  3. No more baking fails! Minerals such as calcium and magnesium or chlorine-rich tap water affect the performance of some ingredients in your baking recipes, including yeast.
  4. No more lack-luster veggies! Chlorine in your tap water is also an ingredient in bleach and can leave your food faded and dull yellowish color. Not very appetizing!

From superior analysis of your water to excellence in installation and customer service, you’ll find your experience with Sci-Chem to be the finest in the industry. Call 407.301.4655 today for your free water analysis.



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