Should You Upgrade Your Water Softener?

tasteIf you’ve had your whole home water softener for awhile, you might be wondering if it’s time to upgrade your unit to the latest technology.  Here are a few reasons to help you make the decision to “go out with the old and in with the new” softener.

  1. Performance Issues:  On average, a water softener starts to decline with everyday use – typically after about 10 years. You may begin to see spots on your dishes, soap scum forming in your shower, and dry itchy skin even if you’ve properly maintained the softener. These are signs of a softener that may not be functioning properly and may need repair or replacement. Your softener should be inspected once a year to ensure it’s operating properly and efficiently.
  2. Regeneration Function: If you have an older timer-based softener, it may not be meeting your water needs.  Your water usage can vary throughout the day. Today’s softeners are “demand-based,” monitor your water usage and regenerate “as needed.”
  3. Older Technology: If you purchased your softener years ago, chances are it bulkier and occupies a lot of space. Today’s high-efficiency softeners are smaller, monitor water and salt usage allowing for easier monitoring and maintenance.

If you have an outdated water softener, it may be time to schedule an inspection by a water treatment specialist to see if it’s working properly or if you would benefit from a newer water softener. Sci-Chem is a full service water conditioning system provider that installs, maintains and repairs most any water treatment system in Central Florida. We offer Free Water Analysis where applicable. Call 407-301-4655 or simply click here now. 


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