How Does Salt End up in Softened Water?

drink conditioned water in Osceola CountyThe water softeners that Sci Chem Water Treatment uses are cat-ion exchange resin bed that exchange positively charged ions for positively charged ions. The incoming hardness minerals (CaC03) are positively charged as are the sodium ions. Think of resin as a very small bead that look somewhat like large sand granules. Water softeners will hold millions of these tiny beads inside the resin tank. The actual amount of resin or size of the water softener is referred to in “grains.”  You may hear water softeners in Central Florida referred to as a 32,000 grain system or a 48,000 grain water softening system. This simply refers to how much cat-ion resin is inside the actual resin tank. The surface area of cat-ion resin is negatively charged so it attracts the positive charged sodium and calcium cat-ions.

The resin bed is coated with sodium ions. This process is called regeneration. Once regeneration is complete the resin bed is ready to be used and to begin softening the water. Resin prefers the incoming calcium ions over the sodium ions and releases  sodium to capture calcium ions. This process is called ion-exchange. This is the actual process that removes the incoming hardness in your water and therefore this is the process that adds the sodium to your water.

People ask us all the time how much sodium will be in your softened water? It simply depends on how much hard water the system will need to remove.  If you have less hard water you will use less sodium, if you have more hard water minerals you will use more sodium. There are many different kinds of  “water problems” in the Central Florida community. Utilizing a Professional to ensure that your water is pure, safe and delicious can be a challenge. We hope you’ll look to us for your water challenges… Sci Chem Water Treatment works hard at being the best and most knowledgeable in all of Osceola County and throughout Central Florida. Call us today!


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